The Commonwealth Courts Portal (“Portal”) is an initiative of the Family, Federal and Federal Circuit Courts of Australia. It provides web-based services for clients to access information about cases before the Courts. The Family Court of Western Australia also provides online services through the Portal.
The Portal is a secure online system that enables registered litigants and legal practitioners to access information about their cases before these Courts and:
(a) electronically file application and documents;
(b) identify documents that have been filed;
(c) view future court dates; and
(d) view outcomes and access sealed orders that have been made.
In order to gain access to specific file information, you will need to register online via the Portal website at:, either as an individual or as an organisation. By registering your organisation you will become the portal administrator for that organisation. If you are legally represented, your solicitor, or their organisation, will be able to access your file information on your behalf.
You will either be registering to:
(a) start a new Court application; or
(b) link to your existing Court file in which case you will need your file number.
A helpful step-by-step guide is available at
The Portal streamlines the process of filing, sharing and accessing court information.
It offers a range of services for litigants and practitioners, including, in addition to that stated above, 24/7 access to court files, receiving email notifications of file progress, and filing supporting documents in Family Law cases.
If you require advice on your Family Law matter and want to “know where you stand”, please contact one of our lawyers at Pearsons Lawyers for your free consultation on 1300 699 688.